I've been checking out this newsgroup and have enjoyed reading about places
I'd like to try when I next visit my folks in Modesto. Living in Texas now
(we moved in '77), I am a transplanted Californian and sometimes get
homesick for the places we used to frequent when I was younger. The only
one I've seen posted about is Celia's, which wasn't the Mexican restaurant
we preferred going to, instead going to Horky's. It was still there 9
years ago when I took my husband there on our honeymoon. I'd like to put
up a list of some of the places I remember and see if anyone else remembers
them or knows if they're still open or what may have happened to them if
they are not. If I am out of line here, please let me know where I should
be posting this.
The Happy Host, which became Sirloin and Brew, in San Mateo
The Villa Hotel's restaurant, in San Mateo
Horky's, in either San Mateo or Burlingame, the statues and masks on the
walls used to scare me, I was about 7 at the time
Perry Boys Smorgi (sp?), in San Mateo
Mama's, in San Mateo, it was located downstairs in one of the big dept.
stores at Hillsdale Mall and had good sandwiches
Shipwreck Kelly's, between SF/San Mateo, a seafood buffet as I recall, in a
hotel, the buffet was on what looked like an old ship
Santini's Italian, in San Mateo
Humphrey's Market, in San Mateo
and last but not least
Patrini's Market, in San Mateo, we seemed to live in that store but I
forget where it was located
Sorry the list got kind of long, but the more I wrote down, the more I
remembered. :-) Man am I homesick for my hometown of San Mateo. Thanks
for any replies offered, and my apologies again for the length of this
I used to go to the Brass Door in San Ramon a lot. Is it still around?
OMG, I am Horky's Granddaughter. I was too young to remember her resaturants. I was only a toddler when she retired. She had a lot of her restaurant decor all over her home in Vegas. She was an amazing woman. She passed years ago.